Displaced film collective. Dimitri Gorbaty, Philipp Ivanov, Alex Epikhov and Sergei Medvedev

The virtual world is similar to a cemetery inhibited by ghosts. A place where artifacts, imprints and narratives of people (dead or alive) coexist intangible and without time.

We set out in search for real people, strangers and friends of Hasky, to inhibit our ghost town. We scanned, created 3D models, animated them with the rapper’s body motions and settled them into a similar setting with buildings, living rooms, people and fates. All as if reflected through a looking glass.

Written and directed: Ataka51
Produced by: Ataka51
Cinematography: Sergey Medvedev
CGI: Pavel Gordeev
Casting: TRK Russki Atrakcion
Stylist: Margarita Zubatova
Sound Design: Karina Kazaryan
Titles: Dmitry Maseykin