Displaced film collective. Dimitri Gorbaty, Alex Epikhov and Sergei Medvedev

“It was the very first night, though forerun by hundreds of years.”

BADLANDS emerged from a yearning to find something we felt was truthful to our surroundings — at least on a metaphorical level. It’s a story of bridging the past, which seems largely layered with dreams and fantasies, long twisted and destroyed, to present political realities: man’s current state; dead in some insignificant “badlands”, with nothing but his past. Perhaps it’s a story of longing, inherently nostalgic and tragic as that which the character wishes for is, in-of-itself, unattainable.

Badlands is the finalist of Calvert Journals New East Photo Prize. Participated in the Calvert 22 Foundation exhibited in London and St. Petersburg. 

Produced by: Ataka51
Created by: Ataka51
Executive producer: Philipp Ivanov
Director: Alexander Epikhov
Cinematography: Sergey Medvedev
1ad: Dmitry Gorbaty
Stylist: Lera Aguzarova
Music: Karina Kazaryan / KP Transmission
Sound: Nikita Furmanov Assistant
CG: Roman Nebovsky
Color: Manga Company, Ludmila Kuropyatnikova