Displaced film collective. Dimitri Gorbaty, Alex Epikhov and Sergei Medvedev

Short Film. 58 minutes

The project is a musical film commissioned by Jäegermeister for the annual “2020 Jagermeister Music Awards” in Russia. The goal was to write and direct a musical film which would cover the current independent Russian music industry by giving light to musicians (new and old) and their personal achievements. The project consists of a series of eight music videos and fifteen documentary profile pieces. The artists covered: Istochnik, Sestry, Pasosh, Uvula, Nedri, Ushko and Moa Pillar, Dequine,Cream Soda, Ssshhhiiittt!!, Kate NV, Kazuskoma, Monetochka, 555TRAKS555, Tommy Cash and Hasky.

Writted, directed & shot by: Ataka51
Produced by: Polina Ulyanets & Stereotactic agency
Assistant producer: Stas Dluzhansky
Assistant directror: Ruslan Bikbaev
Droduction designer: Dasha Pribischuk
Style: Lera Nikolskaya
CG by: Clan, Fuck You Digital
Color by: Andrew Bushmin